First off this blog is in no way being written to bash any lender or bank out there. Every lender serves their purpose and are the right fit for someone. This blog is to make you, the consumer, aware that it’s not always about the rate you see on paper. It’s about the flexibility and […]
Collateral Charges – Why Banks Like Them
By Rubina Ahmed-Haq | Sun Apr 01 2012 | If you’re buying a house and are shopping for a mortgage this spring you may come across something called a collateral mortgage. This home financing tool has been around for a while, but mainly in the background. Now it’s going mainstream with both TD Bank […]
Collateral Mortgages. Good thing or bad?
In the news recently there’s been a lot of talk of how TD is now registering ALL their mortgages as collateral mortgages. Some say this is a good thing. I truly believe it’s not. This isn’t to say TD is the only one doing this. Most credit unions do, and any time you bundle your […]
It pays to check the fine print on low-rate mortgage offerings
Here’s an article I read that makes a lot of sense. It was a top news story last week. One of the major banks offered the lowest five-year fixed interest rate in Canadian history at 2.99 per cent. As a licensed mortgage agent, I had to quickly attain as much information as I could on […]