Home Equity Bank:They are the only mortgage in Canada where payments are truly optional There are NO PAYMENTS REQUIRED for as long as 1 applicant lives in the home, however payments can be made if they wish. NO medical required, and very limited income & credit requirements Clients can receive up to 55% of the […]
Reverse Mortgage Success Stories
Downsizing: Upgrading: Buy a Family Cottage: Assist Children with Home Purchase:
Down Payment Government Assistance
On Dec 15, 2016 the BC Government announced the launch of their ‘Homeowner Mortgage and Equity Partnership Program’ to assist first time home buyers who are residents of BC (as well as either citizens or permanent residents of Canada for at least five years). While many are heralding this as a good news story, others […]
New Program to Help First-Time Homebuyers
In a move to help BC citizens and residents buy their first home, the BC government announced today that it is launching a new program to augment down payments for first-time buyers. The B.C. Home Owner Mortgage and Equity Partnership program contributes to the amount first-time homebuyers have already saved for their down payment, providing […]
Accelerated Bi-Weekly vs Non
When signing your mortgage commitment letter you will have to choose your payment frequency. If your goal is to re-pay your mortgage as quickly as possible, then you need to understand how different payment options will affect your repayment schedule. So what are your options? In general, most lenders will offer the borrower the option […]