I read this article in ‘mortgage broker news’ today and thought it to be very interesting as it happens often.
My thoughts first – The big banks use much more favourable to them calculations when it comes to paying out your mortgage. I’ve done a lot of research on this and have seen many issues with past clients. With the majority of the lenders we use, which we call monoline lenders, their penalties are much lower. I wont get in to the nuts and bolts of why, however, they are!
The monolines only deal with brokers which keeps their costs way down as they don’t have thousands of employees and branches.
…the government should be focusing its concerns on the mortgage industry – not on rate or qualification, but on business practices.
**Disclaimer! I don’t say big banks don’t have they’re place. We do use them from time to time as they are the more ‘perfect’ match for our specific client after all the strategizing and planning sessions.